Don’t Let Go—
“I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness;
I will hold your hand.
I will keep you and will make you
to be a covenant for the people
And a light for the Gentiles.”
Isaiah 42:6
What has your heart perplexed this day? What has caused your heart to rouse and be troubled?
Do you not know you are the absolute Apple of the Father’s Eye?
Do you know how His heart cries when you suffer inside?
Do you not know that His fondest thoughts include you?
He is with you.
Everything you say—
Everywhere you go—
Every ounce of you is protected by whole hosts of angels descending down from the heavens to protect your call, your anointing, your crown.
Just the fact that you are alive today is living proof that there are yet Grand and Mighty things for you to do!
“...be there with an open and joyful heart as often as possible; if not joyful, at least with a brave and faithful heart.”
~Frances de Sales
Take Courage...
have heart...
Be strong in the Might of His Power...be it not your own.
For in our own strength we prove weak, feeble and foolish.
Be the man or woman you desire to be.
Step up and step out Victoriously.
Find encouragement for this day in these words that I say. They are Heaven inspired and drawn from wells of Living Water to flow from my pen--if only to cause both your heart, soul, strength and face to smile.
He is with you now-
let us go the extra mile.