Quiet as a mouse.


Chores, errands, running around.
Company party, office party, neighbors party, church party, family gatherings and an endless list of this and that. It’s the most wonderful time of the year and maybe the most exhausting or depressing time of the year for many.

How ever important it is to keep the main thing the main thing.

Has this list described you?
Has the fanfare, the party air, the festive lights and tantalizing treats distracted you or overwhelmed you in any way? Or maybe you’ve not been invited to a party, not a single one, no one remembered to send you a card or you are deeply missing someone you loved. Whether your sick in your body or fighting with your spouse, wayward children or a leaking roof on your house. Remain...

Quiet as a mouse.

Take a few moments, quiet ones, all to yourself.
If you have to wake up a bit earlier for that slice of quiet I hold so dear.
Morning may be best when you’ve had even the wee-est amount of rest.
Take a moment to drink Him in. Who?
That baby, that’s who.

He was born for you.
Just gaze at that face and imagine his embrace.


Portrait credits unknown

His Spirit descends down, he’s not overly dignified despite his enormous crown...Sovereign of all Eternity.
He stoops down.
He gathers low.
He whispers to your sweet spirit, heart and soul.

“You are adored”.

Light of the world.

Before the angels sang, while Mary still had sweat dripping from her face, a babe was born to Light the world and most of all, to Aluminate Hope for you.

Let His Beauty Come.
Let His Gentle Grace Cascade with glory over your face—
Just like the finger tips of the one you kiss.
His soul kisses you.
His heart marries you.
And all of this...

First began small and from a place of humble beginning, lonely nights created with danger...that sweet little boy lying in a manger.

He did it all for you.
Drink deep of His Cup.

May this day and this Holiday Season be magnificent for you.
May the dew of Heaven wet your brow with a kiss of the Holy Spirit and may you enter into His Rest and Comfort as never before.

You are adored.


**this song is a little rockin’ For my post about comfort, rest and focused time in the Lord...but it’s fabulous and the lyrics piercing and it’s the very song the Spirit is impressing in me to use. Enjoy! I know I love it♥️ ~N