Radiant Glow
The angel came to Mary, just a young woman, and told her that not only was she going to see God, but she had been selected to birth something amazing from God…His Son.
“Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God.” Matt. 5:8
Of all the ways He could have entered the earth Christ came through the one the Father had selected for the purity of not only her body but the purity of her heart and its intentions. Mary found favor with God and He revealed himself to
After Glow
I am still basking in the after glow of my trip to Israel just a little more than a week ago.
The Lord has knit my heart with Zion.
Every night since our returning flight from Tel Aviv back to my homegrown California—I have had marvelous dreams of special things that I have only written down in my journal. Scripting my heart with actual paper and pen is the absolute best of the best for the flow of my soul. I love how I’m old fashion like that. God connects with it
Behold the Gold
I see pure gold in you.
You’ve been equipped through the Fire. Your life designed to inspire. You’ve been packaged for it.
You can take heat.
True champions invite the fire.
Not because we always like it, but we know something good, gold, comes from it.
The higher road is paved with gold. And when you’ve been called, you’ve been equipped. You don’t have to strive for it, it flows from the soul. Pure Gold.
Perhaps you’ve spent so much time taking care of others that you forgot to take care of yourself?
You are worth some
Healing Virtue
True and Genuine Kindness is the dew of Heaven.
Each day in Israel has been packed full morning to night with excursions which brought my heart delight—so many they are all starting to blur together and then the few magnified and highlighted on my soul. Forever etched in gold.
Yesterday was probably the most personally significant day of our trip to Israel for me. I knew before coming I was traveling there to receive something. Powerful dreams engaged me at night leading up to Sunday.
On Sunday I received what I came for