Glory Kissed
How does it feel to be unashamedly yourself?
Pure and true just you; every single day? Everything you do, everything you say glory kissed and heaven made.
This is the way it should be—
There’s something gorgeous and mysterious when we give in to the unbridled devotion of Heaven. There is a Creator who savors your company. Open up and receive…
Receiving is active. Receiving is good. But receiving can also be uncomfortable.
When I was in the fifth grade I had a reoccurring dream. It was powerful and rich and vivid. It was exquisite
Turn It Up
”Make up your mind,” Moab says.
“Render a decision.
Make your shadow like night—
at high noon.
Hide the fugitives,
do not betray the refugees.” Isaiah 16:3
When I was a young girl I had many fears, the dark being one of them. It was a common occurrence beginning at a young age for me to sleep with my head under the covers.
I tend to think that sensitive souls feel everything around them very deeply. At least I know I do. I can feel the spiritual dynamics in a room, I can feel others
Faith & Fitness Olympics
My husband trains athletes. He is a Strength Coach and he is very good at what he does. He has travelled all over the world with world class athletes, sculpting their potential giving them an edge to compete.Because of my husband’s profession I have been exposed to great athletes. I’ve watched how they train. They shine. They make everything look effortless and easy. Though they have God given talent and ability not one of these Olympians woke up a Champion. They each walked through the refiner’s fire of desire, discipline,
Process and Success
A few of my thoughts for PROCESS AND SUCCESS in 2019:
📌be intentional —it only takes being one degree off course for a ship to fail to reach its destintion. So it is true in leadership. So it is true in all of life. Don’t miss the mark!
📌know what your goals are—if you don’t know where you are going you are guaranteed to never arrive.
📌prepare & plan—what’s required to achieve? More time will always be spent preparing than implementing. But implementation always flows smoothly when proper preparation has been made. Love will