“When You Call—I’ll Be There”
“When you call on me—-I’ll be there…”
It’s like the whole world is on pause right now. America, paused. What a golden opportunity to search our own heart and soul and clean house so to speak. It’s a time to mend, a time to pray, and time to rest, a time to be, a time to heal, and a time to laugh dance and even sing. Because when you know that God has the whole world in His hands you don’t have to worry or be afraid.Many people are afraid to
You Can So You Will!
“She has done what she could…”
Difference Makers do things “differently”.
I have always been compelled and drawn to the unique. People and things, experiences, that are not the norm or status quo experience. I guess maybe because I have always felt a little different. I rather enjoy it, actually.
I am forever grateful for the family I grew up in. A strong family foundation has enormous merit in how a person ultimately turns out. This doesn’t mean one without a strong family can’t turn out stellar. Of course not. If you know
Prophets Arise!☀️
“Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.”
1 Cor. 1:4 (esv)
I love this scripture. It pretty much sums up the Law of Love. Love is the essence of all things Glorious. Love is formed from the womb of Heaven and used to emulate His Love.
The Prophetic Anointing is a Break Through Anointing.
Love came down.
Love bent His Crown.
Love stooped.
And loved scooped us up and cradled us within His Heart Chamber to bring rest to humanity.
Have you ever been around someone who carried such a level of
A Highway Built of Words
“The one who guards his mouth preserves his life…”
Proverbs 13:3
What is dripping from your lips? Think of your words as a highway…
A week ago I was driving with a friend up in the Motherlode of Northern California. If you haven’t been there it is breath-taking with beauty. Steep ravines and every kind of evergreen. Absolute Majestic Beauty. As we drove I mentioned to my friend of the roads. I thought of all the pioneers who blazed these trails and paved them as well. High power lines added to increase the