Keep Going!
"When the going gets tough, the tough get going."
Don't give up when God speaks...
Though they may grow peculiarly, Miracles do happen!
It never matters really what you say you're going to do, it's what you actually do, the follow through that magnifies the respect of others and the breakthrough. Are you equipped to overcome? Of course you are. But do you believe it? Do you believe you have the resolve necessary to do something extraordinary with your life? You will always fulfill your destiny, on time, when your heart is fully aligned with God's ideas for your life. He charts the coarse, He paves the way, and he is looking for people to do great things and are willing to stick and stay. So many settle for lesser blessings because when it got hard, they quit. That's why they say the high road is the less travelled road. Few people are willing to complete the journey.
I encourage you to change your mind. Change how you think. Upgrade your perspective of what "hard" or "difficult" really looks like. Put yourself in the shoes of other people, those who will benefit from your perseverance:
•Your family for instance.
•Perhaps countless people you have never met and never will meet.
You're life is not your own. You are apart of something bigger than "you".
No matter what is in your heart to do or achieve, if God planted it then He makes a way for it. Just remember, many miracles go unnoticed because they are disguised as perseverance!
Don't give up! God will always work it out. He's got plans of His own. ~Nicole
"But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls."
Hebrews 10:39