"Hope for nothing from your own labors, from your own understanding: trust solely in God, and in the influence of His Spirit." Martin Luther
When we speak of great women in the Bible we hear about Esther, Ruth, Mary, Deborah...to name a few. But today I'd like to highlight Naomi.
Naomi was Ruth's Mother-in-Law. When these women found themselves widows... Orpah, her other Daughter-In-Law, went back to her people, but Ruth stayed with Naomi. Ruth chose to live amongst people who had a culture vastly different from her own. Naomi guided Ruth and taught her everything she needed to know and eventually her wisdom lead to her matrimony.
Where are the Naomi's of our age? How will the younger women know the way to go- to be in the world but not of it-and what Godly living looks like if we do not exemplify the life Christ died to give us?
Ladies-let us live in such a way that our life drips with Love, Grace and we excel through faithfulness to the things God has called us to. Let our gentleness be evident and our countenance serene. This will grab the attention of a younger generation who is smitten with Instagram and Snapchat. What kind of role models do our daughters have? Let us be magnetic with the attractiveness of heaven and draw them to Living Waters! Every thing you do, everything you say, is an opportunity to exemplify His Radiant Face. Don't leave your crown on a shelf, nor let anything tarnish it. You are a crown in the palm of the Lord! I know you can do it! Let us lead the young ones to abiding Peace! -Nicole
"Your people shall be my people, And your God, my God." Ruth 1:16
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🙂 Chrystene Sent from my iPhone