Glorious Bloom
"I am the True Vine, and my Father is the vine dresser." John 15:5
The heart of Man is like a garden. We all have weeds, but we all have beautiful foliage and flowers as well. I love gardens and always appreciate my neighbors yards when I am out on a walk. As you walk down the street a yard might look a certain way from a far, but the closer you get, the more detail you see. You can see more weeds, but also, you can see all the beautiful detail, color, shape and flower of each plant. From far off you can only see the large bushes, shrubs and trees, but up close you see the real personality of the garden. Aren't people the same way? People always look a certain way from a distance. But you can never really make a decision about a person until you spend time with them, getting to know them, learning about them. That's when you can decide if you care to call them friend or acquaintance. Blessed are the hearts of men and women. There is beauty to be found in each. Focus on the flowers not the weeds. Once unveiled, every heart reveals a glorious bloom! ~Nicole