Thy Words Are Comfort
"Never talk defeat. Use words like hope, belief, faith, victory." ~Norman Vincent Peal
What are the words projecting from your mouth? Are you using them wisely? Are you using them as a salve to comfort and heal or to inflict wounds upon another?
Our words are powerful, aren't they? There isn't a soul on the planet that hasn't hurt another with their words or actions, whether intensional or by accident, we are all guilty. It's so easy to be careless with our words, but even this, we can find guidance and help in how to overcome ridicule, check our own heart motives, and take care and consideration in our own speech, from God's Word as seen in 2 Samuel 16:1-14. I highly recommend you read the entire passage on your own. If you do not own a Bible, then google it!
Allow me to set the story. David was King over all of Israel, but he was in great distress as his son Absalom had taken the palace and was winning the favor of the people. He intended to make his father a stench in the nostrils of the people. David, broken hearted to not only be betrayed, but by one he loved, took exile with his closest allies with him. Even then, Mephibosheth, who was a relative to the house of Saul (the previous King) turned away from David. Mephibosheth was one whom David had shown extreme mercy and grace. He could have had him killed, but instead, be-friended him and gave him a seat at the King's dining table. As David exiled a man appeared who began to hurl verbal insults and dirt clods at the King. He cursed the King and accused him to presume the King had brought the calamity upon himself.
The Bible says that though David made many mistakes, he was a man after God's own heart. He chased after God with his whole heart, while the previous King had "no heart". Can you imagine the man's anguish of soul? To have these three major blows from his son, the servant/outcast whom he showed love and mercy and the citizen who mocked and jeered. David could've had all of them killed... but that's not what he did.
David understood the heart of God. He may not have understood what was happening to him, He chose not to react, but to trust. He did not take matters into his own hands and control the situation, he humbled himself before the Lord and took his blows. In fact, this is how he responded:
"It may be that the Lord will see my distress and repay me with good for the cursing I am receiving today."
2 Sam. 16:12
In this passage we can see how God was seperating the "wheat" from the "chaff". David was able to truly see the hearts of men in this crisis situation, which would prove important as David's son was unsuccessful in his attempt to other throw his Father. David was able to see who was truly for him and who was only for him in words or times of peace and blessing. God did indeed bless David. He preserved his throne and passed it on to the rightful Successor, Solomon, who would produce from the line of David, the Christ, named Jesus. Prophesy fulfilled.
Sometimes in life things happen that we do not understand. People may come against us or untrue words spoken of us. In life, we will have conflicts, it is unavoidable. In these situations we always have a choice in how we will respond. It is not easy, but with careful thought, prayer, discernment and wisdom we can choose the road less travelled that leads to higher ground (just like David climbed higher -"But David continued up the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went; his head was covered and he was barefoot." 2 Sam. 15:30)
The Bible says that those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. Did it ever occur to you that your struggle could bring comfort to another? It's true. When you reach out and take active steps of faith into new territory the opposition will be great. Your comfort zone will be stretched and your cheering section may be small, but do not grow weary! For when your victory comes it peels back a layer of darkness and paves the way for others to go where you have been. Persevere. Your efforts will yield comfort. ("Comfort, comfort my people, says your God." Isaiah 40:1)
In the process, God will show you who your true friends are, who are the ones who may like you, but not willing to walk along side of you and those who were never truly a friend at all. You gain wisdom in the dark places of life. However my friends, it is possible, when the mud flings and we get a little dirty, to stay clear on the road less travelled. Here's a few ways you can do this:
- Guard your heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Put on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6)
- Pray to God and seek His will in the situation (he may not want the trial for you, but he has allowed it for a purpose. In His time, it will end.)
- Guard your tongue (James 4:11)
- Keep your gaze Upward. (Matthew 14) When things are stormy around you, if you keep your sights on God and the "Big Picture" of what He is doing in your life, it makes it easier to roll with the waves instead of crumbling with every breaker.
Life is not all smooth sailing and calm waters. We will have trials, struggles and conflicts. We can handle them with CARE, CONFIDENCE and CLASS if we follow the lead of King David, an Old Testament foreshadow of the New Testament Christ. It will not be easy, but we will grow in wisdom, knowledge, strength and gain maturity of faith to accomplish all that God is grooming us for. We begin by learning how to climb to higher ground.
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy." Matthew 5:7
You are blessed and highly favored of God. His breath is in you and He desires for His Glory to flow through your veins. People are hurting and so hungry for love, affection, acceptance. When we know this, we can love them by example of David and Christ. You are a Champion, born to make a difference.