TLC~Trust, Love and Confidence
"Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence." Jeremiah 17:7
God always wants us to trust Him, but did you ever stop and realize that He is willing to place trust and confidence in us? It's true. The Creator of the Universe stood before time and had a dream of your life and what you would look like. Not just your physical appearance but your walk, your talk, your mannerisms. He left out no details. He dreamed of how you would think and what your voice would sound like. He gave you dreams and joys and ambitions, too. He knew all along the abundant life He could and would give you...if you would believe on His Name and trust Him. It was truly all up to you, for He already knew what he had invested in you and the level of commitment He was planning to devote to you. He had foreknowledge of all of your potential because he placed it there! He destined it like a well layered brick, building a foundation that no other could hold quite like you. God did and spoke all of that into Creation before He placed the first twinkle of Light in His blanket called night. He knew you were capable of making the world bright.
God did all of that. Do you ever wonder how it grieves His heart when His prized possession, His Beloved Creation don't believe in Him? God, the most trustworthy entity in all of humanity and infinitely more than any mortal person could be...longs to receive our trust.
Our level and ability to trust is dependent on some variables. Our disposition-influenced by personality and community-how we were raised and our life experiences. Trust is hard for there isn't a single creature alive who hasn't had trust damaged. I think the softer the heart, the more serious the wounds of damaged trust. A soft heart is fleshy. Not sin nature fleshy, but moist and playable...tender...easy to cut. Childlike. Playful. Open and receptive. Over time a soft heart may get thicker and develop a callous to protect it. But if water (love) fails to reach that toughening heart hardness sets in...bitterness. The key is to seek the Almighty and allow His Trust and Love to keep a heart soft while developing its ability to handle life's hurts and disappointments. It is not easy, not for anyone.
God designed us each so uniquely, but He also put an ability for Faith, supernatural faith, entrusted from His heart to ours.
Most of my life I have battled fear. I have experienced great breakthroughs over the years and my faith has bloomed to very deep levels of trust in God and trust in others. I feel Him stretching me again. I've been a bit blindsided for several weeks by an ominous issue that appears like a wave that will overtake me and break me. But God equipped me to trust Him. Last night at church I had to confess to Him that for the first time in a long time I wasn't sure I trusted Him in my struggle. I knew He would get me through it, but could I endure the pain of it? I wanted to pull back, hold back. Sometimes the pain-especially if its a familiar pain-will devastate us. But then I remind myself of all the dreams and confirmations he gave me -personally and through others as confirmation-before my struggle ever began. I knew He was with me and willing to hold my hand. Sometimes we can find the courage to walk through when we know their is a friend to stand beside us. God is that friend. Your pain will never be too big, trial too hard, circumstance too grim to make him shrink back. He is in it all the way. He plans to stay.
Wait on the Lord.
You can trust him.
Before all of time He stood back in space and could already see the exact dimension of your face, the lines of your eyes and how you would carry out your life. He is besotted with His Bride. He will never force his confidence on us, for He is a gentleman, but He will let us know that He is there, giving strength. God is a Rescuer and He rescues every time. He won't leave you or forsake you. He's invested too much of Himself into you. He's got you...for the long haul. ~Nicole
"Lord, I am so sorry I don't trust you more. Please forgive me for my lack of understanding regarding your deep care. Forgive me for not grasping the abundant life you desire to cultivate. Help me to not shrink back, but to have YOUR confidence. you will Rescue me from every dark or shadowy thing and bring me fully into your Life and Light. Amen."
I love this. Your heart is so beautiful. Full of faith and love for our father. I am blessed and inspired by what He does in you and for you. I know sharing and being vulnerable is hard. It is for me. Thank you. I am thanking Him for you my friend;)
🙂 Chrystene Sent from my iPhone