Being Least Can Be Great

"...For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Sam. 16:7

God doesn't think like we do. God doesn't chose like we chose.
The Bible says to do unto the least of these...because our least is God's Great.

My husband has been coaching athletes for over 30 years at all levels. One particular athlete who is now retired is an example of God's Great. First off, she competed in a sport she is not built for. Most women she would go against are big, thick, stout and muscular. But not her, she is tall and long and lean. Actually built well for many sports, but not the one she excelled in. She graduated from a Pac 12 school. She has competed all over the world, competed in 3 Olympics and holds an American Record.

Highly successful, but not the obvious choice.

What the crowds don't know is her Mother had great complications during her pregnancy. Her doctors deeply and repeatedly encouraged her to terminate the pregnancy because the baby would be full of sickness and the Mother's own life at risk. But her Mom, full of Faith in God, held strong to her tiny Promise and her big God. She kept believing in what was conceived within her and she gave birth, despite the dark forecast, to a healthy and strong little girl.

You may not be in a high risk pregnancy. But you may be dealing with pressures and risks...troubles that overshadow your Hope. Be encouraged. It is never too late for God to step up and step out for you. Hold Him tight and He will see you through. He will deliver a beautiful Promise to you! ~Nicole