This Is Going To Be Dope!
Why Can’t I Get Motivated?
This may be a question you’re asking yourself right now?
You have dreams, things you want to do, experiences rich inside the heart and mind, but something comes up lacking when it’s actually time to take the required action steps to move upon your goals. Why?
You maybe be experiencing a vicious cycle of deleterious effects because of a “start-stop syndrome”. You’ve got the best intentions, you may even begin that daunting task, that exercise program or clean eating menu—but something inside just isn’t clicking and the motivation is mentally mustered up for a brief season, but then somehow fades away.
If what I am suggesting describes you, there may be a nutritional root to what you are facing. Instead of beating yourself up, let’s take a closer look inside.
Our bodies are amazing. I am forever fascinated by their beauty, capability and complexity. We are like a walking talking scientific experiment that knows what to do and how to do it every day. But sometimes little hiccups in the body cause things to bump out of alignment and our homeostasis is disrupted. One of the key roles of nutrition— providing energy, is to function to feed cells and maintain stasis. Stasis is merely balance.
Too extreme of anything isn’t good for us. So let’s take a small moment to talk about an important chemical used by the brain called dopamine.
“The brain includes several distinct dopamine pathways, one of which plays a major role in the motivational component of reward-motivated behavior. The anticipation of most types of rewards increases the level of dopamine in the brain”
So if we believe there will be a reward for our efforts or we are excited by the reward we will become motivated to do the work or take the actions required. We get energized--literally!
In Psychology we can study about the research done called “Classical Conditioning”. This study used dogs and salivation. A dog was stimulated and conditioned for a desired response using positive reinforcement. For the dog the reward was food.
We operate the same way. When something positive happens or the anticipation and expectation of something happening occurs we release dopamine in the brain and this neurotransmitter releases and stimulates the pleasure center of the mind. Certain foods are shown to stimulate our bodies ability to produce dopamine. So basically—when we are adequately motivated toward a goal and the belief deepens that we will be rewarded or blessed for our efforts—we excel. Dopamine can help us do that!
Your dreams and aspirations may only be one thought away. Set your mind right. Activate within your heart, mind and soul all the capacity Heaven loaded deep within. You’ve got what it takes to succeed and as you begin you just may find the momentum like wind in your sails taking you higher than you’ve ever been.
Sometimes to achieve we merely need to believe in ourself. We need others wrapped around us who deeply believe in us as well.
We need encouragement—but we also need excitement.
God gave a pleasure center in our mind for a purpose. Let’s put it to good use!
You’re only one breathe away from an exciting day! You may be only one dopamine infused thought away from break through!
Let's get fit and go for it!
Nutrition Tips
I’ve found a great little article that includes suggestions for health rich foods that may naturally increase dopamine production in your mind.