Broken & Blessed💗
Even through the toughest storms God's got you. If you are in a storm today, He is right there in the thick of it with you, guiding you, paving the way. I actually think most people find this of comfort. Even people who never speak of God or seem to have spiritual interest seem to cry out for him in their moments of desperation. Do you know what, He takes the cry! He is just like a Father who cares for and protects His children.
If you truly knew how much God loved you...you'd let him hold you now. His care is an unbridled love and devotion. Though it is difficult for all of us to truly understand it, I am praying today that God would bless you to feel it and trust in it. He's got you despite anything you walk through.
Broken and Blessed, God can handle your mess! ~Nicole
"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!"
1 John 3:1
😊 thank you so much An answered prayer…
🙂 Chrystene Sent from my iPhone