
Never Had a Better Friend

November 25, 2012

The Lord has striped me in many ways.

Yet, He preserves each and every one of my days.

He took away so much that mattered to me

and in the process grafted me more tightly into His Tree.

He drew me near and showered me with blessings from above.

He gave me increase in my capacity to Love.

He showed me His devotion and care

Yet I know He will not only stop there.

He took me as a seed and planted me in the Earth.

He provided the water of Salvation in Jesus

giving me second birth.

He rose from Continue reading

A View from Above

November 20, 2012

Have you ever done any reading about eagles? Magnificent creatures. I once had a New Age person who believed in reincarnation ask me what I wanted to come back as in my next life. I was a little taken back by this question considering I do not believe in reincarnation. Instead of debating and arguing all my reasons why reincarnation was not from God, I answered the question. After all, I had been sharing the love of Jesus with this person and I am pretty sure they were not ready Continue reading

A Word to Live By…

November 17, 2012

Loyalty. Loyalty is defined as such~ 1.The state or quality of being loyal; faithfulness to commitments or obligations. 2. Faithful adherence to a sovereign government, leader, cause, etc. (www.Dictionary.com)

A few synonyms for loyalty that stand out to me are “devotion” and “constancy”. Constancy, that’s a good one. It has strength, don’t you think? It makes me immediately think on the word “un-waivering”. Not changing or yielding…constant.

You may be asking yourself, “why all this talk of loyalty?”

I am a huge believer in its importance. I believe it penetrates each person to Continue reading

Gorgeous Face

November 2, 2012

I have a friend named Jackie. Jackie and I have gone to church together for many years, but it was only in the last four years that I really got to know her. It’s funny how God works sometimes. I had signed up to volunteer in the Wednesday night preschool class at my church.  It was a time of transition and change at my church and more help was needed. I really felt the Lord direct me to that particular age group. I could have selected second grade or another Continue reading

Unified Message

November 2, 2012

With the Presidential elections here there is so much talk about politics these days. Each person has their own convictions, beliefs, opinions. Some are boisterous with their proclamations and adamant with their views, while others keep them quietly tucked within, only sharing when needed or asked. We are all different, but we are all the same. We are Americans. Our preamble of this nations great Constitution starts like this:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for Continue reading

About Me


My name is Nicole and the Broken and Unspoken things have fueled my wings and given me something brave, something bold. I do believe as we persevere through the unspoken difficulties in life we can find our voice and that voice can be used to help others take flight. I’m a lover of the pen and the ink I wield I hope lavishes encouragement on the minds, hearts and souls of others. Welcome to my home! I plan to use the space to make you feel comfortable, refreshed and blessed. My encouragement intended to help you find that better version of you that has been there all along. I am a writer of prose, poems, scriptural exhortations and all things fitness and nutrition. Mind. Body. Heart. Soul. It is all connected! So come in and make yourself at home. This is a Safe Haven and Refuge for others who have been broken, too.

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