
Mindset to Move Mountains. . .

August 8, 2020

“When it rains, most birds head for shelter; the Eagle is the only bird that, in order to avoid the rain, starts flying above the cloud.” ~Unknown

Some of the biggest and best accomplishments this world has ever seen have been done under extreme duress and adversity.

Airplanes rise against the wind not with it.

It is the wind against a sail that makes the boat go.

Don't turn back when others speak skepticism and lack. Don't confuse wise and Godly instruction for criticism and do not mistake criticism for wise instruction. If it's Continue reading

Safeguard My Heart

July 31, 2020

Don’t forget to replenish...

The formula for adequate hydration is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number by 2 to determine the number of ounces of water you should consume at the minimum each day. But what are you doing to ensure you consume adequate spiritual hydration? Just like when we are outdoors in the heat, we need even more water—so it is for our soul as well.

With so much going on in our world right now, it seems a bit like we’ve stepped right into a Continue reading


July 29, 2020

Self preservation: by my definition is to shield or safe guard oneself from actual or perceived harm. Self preservation is innate. Or is it learned? Young children arrive as tender hearted, trusting, naive and innocent. Over time the cares of life opens the eyes and awakens the soul to the dangers we encounter on life’s open road. The more harm done to an individual the more coarse their heart and mind become. The more scars, the more distant and closed to people we become—we self preserve to ward off future potential Continue reading


July 22, 2020

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

“Most people who live in gratitude are typically joyful.”

Maybe 3 weeks back a man at the gym Was watching me. He then approached me and told me I was the only person he’d ever seen who seemed happy and smiley all the time. He looked a little perplexed and refreshed by this. Now, the gym I train my clients from I have been a member or affiliated with since 2005 Continue reading


July 20, 2020

“For everyone whom much is given, from him much will be required.” Luke 12:48

This passage of scripture has been rolling around in my head for more than a week now.

Did you know that just like any good Father, God has expectations of us? It’s true. He expects from us because He loves us and knows not only what’s best for us, but the best that resides within us...each of us. Each of you. God sees you, the real you. The you that cuddles up and dreams of the future and weeps Continue reading

About Me


My name is Nicole and the Broken and Unspoken things have fueled my wings and given me something brave, something bold. I do believe as we persevere through the unspoken difficulties in life we can find our voice and that voice can be used to help others take flight. I’m a lover of the pen and the ink I wield I hope lavishes encouragement on the minds, hearts and souls of others. Welcome to my home! I plan to use the space to make you feel comfortable, refreshed and blessed. My encouragement intended to help you find that better version of you that has been there all along. I am a writer of prose, poems, scriptural exhortations and all things fitness and nutrition. Mind. Body. Heart. Soul. It is all connected! So come in and make yourself at home. This is a Safe Haven and Refuge for others who have been broken, too.

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