One of the most important things to do in the life of a Believer is to learn to recognize the voice of God. He’s speaking all the time. He’s calling to you. So many miss it because they weren’t paying attention or realizing the signs and signals being thrown to them. So let me encourage you. I have been asked to encourage you with this…Lean in.
I’ve always called it pressing in, but it’s the same thing. Become a “noticer”.
Love is in the details so pay attention to the details.
God will
The Voice
The voice of the Lord is authority. But the voice of the Lord does not shame, name call or condemn. Check the spirit. Criticism accuses and provokes. Love evokes a positive response. You cannot make anyone do anything without provoking a spirit of witchcraft. Be careful. The Kingdom of God does not come by force. God’s hands are strong, but gentle. He compels. He is patient and long suffering. He is gracious and merciful. He wraps His heart around us.
“Know your worth.”
Jesus did not come to force people to his
Mindset to Move Mountains. . .
“When it rains, most birds head for shelter; the Eagle is the only bird that, in order to avoid the rain, starts flying above the cloud.” ~Unknown
Some of the biggest and best accomplishments this world has ever seen have been done under extreme duress and adversity.
Airplanes rise against the wind not with it.
It is the wind against a sail that makes the boat go.
Don’t turn back when others speak skepticism and lack. Don’t confuse wise and Godly instruction for criticism and do not mistake criticism for wise instruction. If it’s
Drought Resistant
Succulent. . .
A succulent plant is a green that is drought resistant to the extreme. It has unique ability to retain moisture.
All of life is like a garden we are building…landscaping…creating. Shouldn’t it be, the garden we bring, is one big enough to include voices other than our own? A touch unique to us, yet ever encompassing the creative genius built within others as well? This is the kind of offering I intend to bring to my King—-
Evergreen and Succulent Garden.
Your voice matters. God granted every “Her” a voice and
Spirit Move
God does things His own way…
Who could possibly know the mind and methods of God? He asked a man to build a boat without knowing what a boat was—there had never been a need for such a vessel. He asked a people to carry a box around the Middle East full His Presence, but they were not aloud to touch it—known as The Arc of the Covenant. He asked a young girl to birth a Savior, because of her purity she was selected, and because of
Holy Blaze
“Then Daniel distinguished himself…because an excellent spirit was in him…” Daniel 6:3
Have you ever known someone who did things to excellence or seen something done beyond well done? Going the extra mile and pouring your very best into something is different from “being perfect”. But rather it is about allowing Gods perfection to make residence within our hearts and then flow through us as He guides us to do.
If you want to go to the next level, then you must first begin by taking some time to “press in”. Pressing
God is…
I have such a hard time with the notion that there is only one way to do something. I guess I am just naturally wired to be more open minded than that–this is just a life long fact. But I didn’t realize I thought like this until my adult life. Thank the Lord I realized it in my young adult life. {Some maybe never figure this out.}
But this is something Jesus knew all along.
He knew He didn’t have to fit in to make an impactful difference.
He know He didn’t have
Silent Night✨
Going through the Fire right now? Wondering why your Christmas is not feeling Merry or Bright? Relating to the song Silent Night on an entirely new level?
I understand. But even when God is silent, He is there.
Believe me if there is anything I know it’s that it’s the pain where growth happens. The fire is our friend. I don’t like the fire. I know you don’t either. But we must endure the fire to get to the flood.
God flood your heart with Goodness tonight.
I pray for your comfort…
You are
God Still Speaks
God Still Speaks
All of Creation sings a love song to God. It can be seen in the green of a leave, the gentle bend of the willow tree and every bird in the air that has its own song to sing.
God’s Voice still speaks. The problem for most in hearing His Voice is difficult–there too much background noise in the way. Spiritual background noise may include negative thinking, discouraging thoughts, depressed thoughts, hopelessness, shame, guilt or anger/bitterness. This type of thinking clouds the heart and soul and makes it difficult